Friday, 16 October 2009

Various for sale!

Having decided what I want to keep I have the following for sale: -

3 x Black Leghorns (14 wks old)
2 x Cream Legbars (14 wks old)

Vorwerk Pair (9 wks old)

2 x Cuckoo Maran Cockerels
1 x Black Leghorn Cockerel

Friday, 9 October 2009

Black Indian Runner Ducks

The whole Bogiehead Chicken antics started because I wanted these ducks. At the time I couldn't get from anywhere so to keep me happy I got the other various chickens and ducks. At the end of September I happened to phone Michelle at Craighill Poultry at the right time and she had 2 available. They look a bit strange along with the Khaki Campbells but I think they are lovely, they are still young and have a lot of growing to do, I am hoping to find a lovely drake and hatch some ducklings next year.


This is Lenny. Unfortunately he's in the 'hospital coop' in this photo. Poor Lenny suffered a prolapse but we got it fixed and after a week of rest he joined his ladies again and is doing well. I think he is a handsome duck and he is such a gentleman!

Lenny & Lucy as Ducklings

This is Lenny and Lucy as ducklings having a swim in the trug in the dogs cage! Bailey, the dog, wasn't too impressed about them borrowing the cage!
This is Dennis, one of the 7 chicks that I bought, he is a copper black maran. He take his job of looking after has ladies very seriously! After a few encounters with my wellies he has learned that i am not a threat!

Major Progress!

Since my last post the chicken numbers have increased by a few! My laying hens went up to 12 after I bought 3 bluebells and 3 white stars. I then had to buy a bigger house. I git a 24 bird house from bruckley sawmill an I also got electric poultry netting to make them a nice safe area to free range in. Bunty one of my first hens became ill and sadly died.
I then bought 7 week old chicks and a 2 week old duckling! I only kep 3 of the chicks - Dennis, Daisy & Doris. The lonely duckling needed a friend, craighill poultry came to the rescue and I got a 3 day old duckling, they hated each other at first but then became inseperable.
After buying an incubator and doing 3 hatches I now have 35 chickens of various ages. I also bought some more ducks to keep Lenny & Lucy (the 2 ducklings I bought) company.
Looking after all of these has kept me very busy over the summer, it's had it's ups and downs but I still enjoy collecting the eggs every day! So much so I applied for an egg producer number and after the visit from the egg marketing inspector yesterday, I now have an egg producer number. This will make sure no eggs go to waste as it opens up who I can sell the eggs to.