Sunday, 14 February 2010

A year on...

A year ago today I collected 3 ISA Brown hens from Craighill Poultry. I soon became obsessed and bought another 3 black rocks. The obsession grew and grew. I'm lucky enough to have plenty of space for keeping them all. Buying an incubator helped increase the chook numbers. I did 3 hatches, which unfortunately weren't that successful though I have got some lovely hens, this is my favourite out of them all, she is a Rhode Island Red and I've named her Ruby. I also got a few inevitable cockerels from the hatching. Though the 'leader of the flock' is Dennis, I bought him and 6 other chicks at a week old, I sold 4 of them and kept Daisy and Doris (yes all 27 chickens have names!) who lay lovely dark brown eggs. This is Gareth, a black leghorn cockerel who is being saved from the pot since I have 4 ladies for him.
The ducks haven't multiplied as much as the chickens, this is mainly due to it being so difficult to find Black Indian Runner Ducks. Though I did manage to buy a very handsome drake, to go with my ducks, from Pegasus Poultry near Ellon, which brings the duck numbers up to 9. They should all start laying again soon and the incubator will get filled and all going well I should have lots of ducklings in the spring.
Hopefully spring will come soon and I will have an abundance of eggs again and lots of chicks and ducklings.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! Am thinking of getting a couple of chicks soon, but don't think I'll be allowed to get as carried away as you've been!
    Might be back for advice! :)
